Monday, January 26, 2009

Character Strength

So today I started CAP. My day consisted of 4 blocks of 2 hours sessions. First, I had survival Italian I. Then I went into the basic beliefts seminar. After that, I had lunch and a break and then I went into he travel orientation. And finally, I ended the day with the character strength seminar which is what I'm going to kind of share.

Before I left for Italy, I had to take a 240 question survey online that would tell your character strengths. It listed your top 24 strengths. In the seminar today we were asked to dig deeper into ourselves to see how, in our every day lives, we use the top five. We were asked to think about how our main strengths can help us decide what to do with our future careers and so forth. My list going from my strongest character strength to the "weakest" strength is this:

1. spirituality, sense of purpose
2. capacity to love and be loved
3. love of learning
4. gratitude
5. kindness and generosity
6. curiosity and interest in the world
7.appreciation of beauty and excellence
8. fairness, equity, and justice
9. social intelligence
10. honesty, authenticity, and genuiness
11. industry, diligence, and perseverance
12. leadership
13.caution, prudence, and discretion
14. humor and playfulness
15. citizenship, teamwork, and loyalty
16. self-control and self-regulation
17. zest, enthusiasm, and energy
18. forgiveness and mercy
19. judgment, critical thinking, and open-mindedness
20. creativity, ingenuity, and originality
21. modesty and humility
22. perspective (wisdom)
23. hope, optimism, and future-mindedness
24. bravery and valor...bahaha(figures that's my last one)

Also, I think a lot of you have been wondering about my living situation. Obviously, I live on campus. There are two floors of people in my building and then there is another builidng that has a couple of floors of people as well. Few people have a roommate. I have my own room/bathroom. It is bigger than my dorm back at OSU my first year. The only thing that bothers me is how short the bed doesn't even come up to my knees. Also, because the buildings are old they have stone walls and marble floors. It's pretty and all but it is REALLY loud. You can just hear someone opening their door, loud. So, as you can imagine it's hard to concentrate when you can hear everything everyone is doing.

That's all that is going on at this moment. More later! Ciao

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